Title-“Today’s currency will not buy tomorrow “- Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa
Sunday 1 September 2019
Combined Service
Scripture- Romans 10 vs 17
Little faith is for little problems
You can never use the same faith for all problems.
Have understanding in his righteousness
You can’t keep getting miracles using the same faith.
If you are bank rupt your faith bank is empty
Develop more faith by hearing the word of God.
When you hear what comes is faith.
Faith is not necessarily coming to you it’s coming to the faith that you have received.
Whether you were born poor and have never seen money on the floor as long as you have the word,faith comes and you will begin to see money which comes through the spoken word.
You must not have heard,you must be hearing. Your current problem requires your hearing. What you heard yesterday produced your miracle for yesterday.
Faith came because of the word you heard.
You require today’s word for today’s problem.
When something happened yesterday Which was miraculous you used the faith that you had yesterday.
The today miracle can not be transacted by the faith that was spent yesterday.
What you heard produced a faith to that particular moment.
For faith to be created don’t listen to the man of God as though you have heard him before.
If the word says you are being healed don’t say I have heard this before, because if you heard this before and you were not healed it means you didn’t hear anything.
If what you had did not bring results you did not hear anything. It was echo maybe
The word was never made present in your heart.
Expose your condition to new environment.
Bring your condition as though you are coming for the first time
Its easy to heal people coming for the first time.
Train yourself to be present . Ask the holy spirit to teach you to hear.
The faith that worked yesterday does not work today.
If you didn’t receive faith that got rid of your problems then you ddnt hear anything.
Today’s generation has been killed by variety. Hearing different messages
Always desire for a miracle or wisdom to address the problem.
If only you can get the man of God to speak.
What is it that you want from God.
Do you need a touch in your body.
If it was your first time, your expectation would have been very high.
See like you are here for the first time and hear like you are here for the first time.
At church attentiveness counts
Faith comes and also hearing comes.
We are not only hearers we are doers of the word.
Everything that is in the presence of GOD has the ability to hear.
You body hears God on your behalf .
Its not only ears.
Listen to God with all of you.
Learn to speak to yourself.
Cells in your body will hear you.
Learn to talk to yourself