Walter Mzembi, a former minister, has taken to social media to advocate for dialogue over demonstrations in dealing with the presidency.

In a tweet, Mzembi emphasized the importance of wisdom and brainpower in navigating the complex dynamics of Zimbabwe’s politics.

Mzembi pointed out that many of those opposed to President Emmerson Mnangagwa are, in fact, his former colleagues, friends, and acquaintances.

He suggested that their opposition is often driven by a personal animosity towards the president, rather than a genuine desire to challenge the institution of the presidency.

” The only thing they miss is that they are no longer fighting Emmerson personally, but they are now fighting an Institution!” Mzembi tweeted.

“So the fight needs more wisdom, brain than brawn, needs bargaining than standoffs, needs dialogue than drawing lines in the sand!!”.

Mzembi’s comments come at a time when a proposed demonstration has been put forth. While some have called for protests and demonstrations, Mzembi’s plea for dialogue offers a alternative approach.