Journalist Watson Munyaka was found dead in Marondera.
According to Journalist Maynard Manyowa, Munyaka was murdered and his body was dumped in Marondera for working with We dug up as their researcher/investigator.
“hospital staff say neither expensive gadget or money were removed from the body which makes us believe he may been targeted for work with us,” he said
We dug up has been exposing cases of public figures with fradualent credintials and other heinous crimes, including the recent leaked audio featuring Zanu-pf spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa.
Manyowa stated that Munyaka was murdered for other reasons other than robbery as he was responsible for providing more information on their stories.
” Watson was one of the many pillars that allowed us to conduct in-depth queries in Zimbabwe, he was our boot on the ground,” he said.