Prophetess Vee Doma’s personal assistant Ropafadzo Magadza has turned in her resignation letter.
Ropafadzo revealed that this decision comes after she had some altercation with Prophetess Vee.
She also revealed that she did not have any access to her evangelism videos and everytime she would ask for access Prophetess Vee will reprimand her.
Ropa also expressed that the car she was gifted was all a fascade, a show for the people as from the contract the car is not her and will never be hers but to the congregation they believe that she owns it.
“So mucontract vakati l will continue using it iri property yecourageous Esther and ikawana zvinoiwana ndini ndaibhadhara so hazvina kundiitira and ndakaenda kune munhuwaMwari ndikati ko zvachinja sei vakati zvinhu zvinongochinja ndikati its fine ndakuidzosa but ndokupai on one condition masigner kuti manditorera mota then vakaramba vakati it will remain as a secret between me,her and her husband so izvi ndakazviramba.”
She showed gratitude to the members of the church.
“So because of this l would like to thank you nenguva yatakashanda tese and how you responded to the word Mwari ngavakuitirei zvakanaka.”