WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the data that shows how Chiwenga Generals have died over the past three years


1. most of the Generals who have died were loyal to Chiwenga
2. Besides the deaths, other generals have been retired or re-assigned
3. There is a widely held belief that the Generals are being assassinated
4. Most Generals are dying of a mysterious short illness
5. The deaths increase when factionalism increases (2021 and 2024)
6. Generals are under siege, especially the retired ones

Please watch the video above this post for more details


1. Flamboyant Zimbabwean CEO, Kudzai Keita’s real name was Edward Takaendesa. He also used the name Okolo. He is said to have been a diamond dealwer in bothe Zimbabwe and South Africa. Keita is said to have been involved in a supernatural accident recently.
2. Robberies and extortion at Chinese mines now more frequent

Key events for today

Botswana elections start today


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