WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the declaration by Mnangagwa that 15 September will now be a national holiday that will be celebrated annually.
Mnangagwa has declared that 15 September will now be celebrated on a rotational basis by each province.
ZANU-PF Youths will be getting 1000 residential stands during the celebrations.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.
1. Potraz Director General Gift Machengete has not provided details of how one can be cleared to sell Starlink kits.
2. Ras Pompey sleeping with his friend’s mother. Wesley Eroyi Shoniwa of Mbare stabbed his uncle who took his mother’s side after he confronted her over the affair. Eroyi is currenly in custody.
3. Selmour Mutukudzi will attend the Tuku memorial event
4. What I was doing on September 11, 2001. Many people sharing their close calls.
5. Zimbabwean Star player Tawanda Chiwewa exchanged words with coach Michael Nees after being substituted
6. Mozambique to hold its elections on 9 October
7. 33 000 registered voters in Zimbabwe. Chapo is the front runner and is a former radio announcer.
8. The other candidates are Ossufo Momade of Renamo, Lutero Simango of MDM and Venancio Mondlane who is an independent.