The following update was provided by Davis Laque @laque.davies on X.

1. A summary of what transpired today regarding separate cases involving political prisoners….

One case involved Namatai, Robson Chere & Samuel Gwenzi infamously dragged off a plane en route to Vic Falls, kept incommunicado & later charged with disorderly conduct 30+ days ago

2. The trio is being charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly participating in demonstrations against the arrest of Timba & others.

Today, all 3 were granted bail after the same state, which had opposed bail for a month, finally conceded that there were candidates for bail.

3. What this means is that the trial remains ongoing, though there will now be attending court through summons.

What was being debated at court today was eligibility for bail, which every rational person understood was a no-brainer, never mind that the allegations are frivolous

4. As some may be aware, the trio were arrested together with Vusumuzi Moyo

Moyo, however, is not being represented by ZLHR.
His trial is running separately

One hopes that the end justifies the means, as he is equally innocent, & has a right to choose his legal representation

5. The other case, running separately, involved the #Avondale78.

The 78 citizens who were arrested at Sen Timba’s private residence are accused of:

i. Disorderly conduct
ii. Participating in a gathering with intent to promote public violence, breaches of peace, or bigotry

6. In the case of the 78, they have all been discharged of the alleged crime of disorderly conduct, whilst 12 have been discharged of both charges.

Those discharged are:
Chitsindi (visitor), Charumapasi (vendor), Mandizvidza (distributing unrelated fliers), Mukwembi (driver ) Madhena; Nyama (passer-by), Mangwayana (vendor), Kandemiri (tenant), Size (passer-by looking for peace work), Munetsi (collecting money at a local shop).

It took the state 80 days to concede that 12 people were caught up in a regime engineered cross fire!

8. Regrettably, Magistrate Ncube concluded that 65 of the original 78 accused persons, including Sen Timba, will proceed to trial regarding the: participating in a gathering to cause public disorder charge.

They effectively remain in remand prison until the case is determined.

9. I end here by commending the professional comrades at Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Right for their unheralded work.

The fact that these cases of political persecution are frivolous doesn’t dilute their dedicatication and sacrifice

History will be unkind to all of them
