WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the resolutions made by ZANU PF Harare Province yesterday for the process of amending the constitution to allow a Mnanaggwa third term to be started. The proposed amendment’s are:
– Increase the length of each term.
– Increase the term limits to three
– Scrap the term limits altogether

Please watch the video above this post for more details.


Priscilla Chigumba has called for the registration of political parties.
She suggested that election appeals should not be allowed up to 30 days before the elections.

Emily Zihonye has complained about the use of pictures of Namatai Kwekwedza.
She has reported a number of media houses to Youtube for the use of the same picture.
The complaint was also sent to the Zimbabwe Association of Female photographers

Hopewell Chin’ono has slammed Chamisa for going on sabbatical.
This comes after Promise Mkwananzi reprimanded him for his statements accusing Chamisa.

CHAOS as more than 600 Divorce cases finalised in Bulawayo in 2024

Wode maya has left his wife for Barbados
There are 6 Zimbabweans divorce cases finalised every day in Zimbabwe
In 2023, 2100 couples divorced
In 2024, already 1061 couples are on separation, Bulawayo has 600 already on separation.
1539 divorce cases were handled in Harare while 392 cases were settled in Bulawayo
Masvingo settled 92 cases
Many more marriages are in limbo
The reasons for the divorces are infidelity, loss of love, loss of conjugal rights and irreconcilable differences, money issues.

Body of woman found in the boot of a car in Pretoria
The woman was killed in the suburb of Standerton, Mpumalanga on Friday evening.
They drove off with the body and place the body in the boot.
The tracking company recovered the car and on searching found the body of the woman in the car.
Bank cards among the items that were recovered.

Malawi lake plane crash pilot Fungai Majakwara has been buried.