Mwari please Come down.

An open letter to our Famous and Broke Socialite.

First and foremost let me feed your ego a little 🤏 .Im so sorry my dear I wronged you so much and I sincerely apologise for not being that good friend you dream of.

I decided to pen this down for you without insults but just airing out too.I really don’t know where to start from but I must say I feel sorry for really need to get checked your mental state in not stable.No one who is in their right state of mind behave the way you do.My dear it’s so sad that everyone who comes in your life is very bad and you have always been the good person.You really need to reflect on yourself and ask yourself why is it I’m always right.Its ok to lose at times,it’s ok to accept defeat,it’s ok to accept constructive criticism and it’s ok to come second.You can not have your way all the time, life doesn’t revolve around you my dear.You want to control everyone and that is sad and not possible at all.Chihure changu wakachitaura kare and because you no longer have other things to say you cook up that I was at a lodge with a boyfriend 😂😂.It’s sad you believe your own lies.

You always think fame is everything and you don’t care about anyone but only yourself.When we you were in prison it was your darkest hour,I stood by you when no one else was.Ndaitukwa left,right and centre everyone on Facebook was against me because they thought I supported your behaviour of the issues dzemaround.I was getting weaker and weaker everyday upto an extent of reaching out to Tom Jones to assist me with the battle.He charged me money that I paid and it’s sad that he kept lying to me akasaita live.Yes Tom jones it’s me who sent you money requesting you kutuka Kety so that she stop insulting you,it’s sad you let me down that’s how desperate I was for you.(I have screenshots for this)

Your life is nothing but very fake full of competition and proving to people a life that you don’t have,you are the one who will never change .Its also on record that you are a pathological liar,and very manipulative.You lied to me that your chisipiti rented house was owned by your boyfriend and later after your rental was increased you started calling your landlord names saying arikurwadziwa neimba yako yekudema you are just ungrateful and disrespectful my dear.ko pantoranking naYondo sister collabo yakazodii? Because you create a fantasy world in your head and think its reality

Everything with you is about competition even in prison you failed to accept defeat to the extent of smuggling phone in your cell just to see what’s happening on social media.I couldn’t invite you to my house even after countless attempts you made to come to my house.You say my house is not complete but you have never been there.I have never lied to anyone about my house because I move with my own pace.Its clear wani kuti it’s not even painted and I post it as it is but you started with paint before driveway because you are always under pressure.Its sad that you see everyone around you kuti varoyi you can’t even see your evil heart.wakaenda kun’anga Wangandiisa mumbiya with a lot of other people kuti tife so that you can get all the attention alone.

You push away people who love you,haudike hautambike newe.Drop the names of those UK friends who gave me money let them bring V11 that I collected money from them.I bought shinda for you everytime with my own money,I visited you in prison almost every week,I gave your kids a car to use when they were struggling kuuya kujeri but you say hapana chandakakuitira.You said this again with Wasu and I cautioned you not to treat him the way you did.That guy really went out of his way and his life literally stopped achiita zvelife yako.He was very loyal to you but still it wasn’t enough.You want to be as slicked all the time and it’s not possible my guy.You always say you made people,why is you make people and you forget to make yourself you always leave yourself behind.Im sure by now you should have loads of money but you are still a church rat😂

I never called Ginel asking for friendship from you the fewer times I spoke to her I stood my ground that I’m refraining myself from you because you are toxic.I was tired of constant accusations of things that I never said tired of being stopped to comment on other platforms because you fight with everyone.You want to control everyone unongomuka sestudent with an assignment to do usacommenter apa,posta apa,like apa,saka apa and if I refuse you get moody.I came back from Uk and avoided contact with you,later you sent me a message saying my lost bag was found that’s when you realised that I was in Zim.You had hope that I will come to Zim and seek peace with you like what I have always done but this time I said enough is enough.Learn to say thank you and appreciate vana vevamwe.

Your bone of contention is on the wedding you don’t want anyone to get attention without you.Ultimately you want to take credit for everything that is why you were hurt to see Wasu out there without you.why couldn’t you be happy that he has made a breakthrough too.Its ok for friends to disagree and fight here and there but not kuti a small thing watova paFacebook.You can’t pull me down shaa you have not made me like you always purport I have worked so hard to be where I am today.I have aqquired so much without this your fame that you sing everyday.Since you have all the fame what has it given you so far apart from using your influence to steal from vulnerable people.

I even tried to assist you talk to people and pay people you owed (Sandra to be precise) She can testify to this and you ended up telling me kuti “muudze kuti asandinyaudze” but you come online and lie to people that you have been paying debts yet you not paying.You don’t care about other people’s feelings you only think of yourself.You have been stealing from people and you get away with it where is your conscience?I would speak to your boyfriend everyday trying to passify him,giving him strength when he was losing hope,giving him reassurance all I wanted was for you not to lose a good man.

Yes my husband is on COS visa but when you came to UK we accommodated you in our house yet you lied to people that you were in your house.I picked you up from the airport We drove you around with our COS car.Your so called husband you shout at him like he is your child the other time I pinched you when we were in someone’s car shouting at him I said to you “mami don’t let people know that you fight mozotukana takumba”When we got home you failed to eat uchitukana naye until he said I won’t come there nemafuta anymore and you told him to return your ticket money.I cautioned you again and you said “if he decides not to come I will tell him to leave my house.” You went on to say this man is very jealousy of me he wants to detect for me what I should do with my money he is not happy that I’m finishing off my house he was complaining why I paid money for ceilings you went on and on but because of social media you can’t let him go kutya kusekwa you pretend as if you are good.Ask him how many times he called me complaining about you but I kept asking for forgiveness on your behalf.The day you did a live for Wasu he called me again complaining about it and he asked me to come home to speak to you that’s why I came that evening.Unoda munhu akaita seyi?

I went all out to assist your withdrawal from Mimi achiramba but I didn’t lose hope.The least you could have done was to appreciate chiRunner chandakaita as you say😂Please give credit where it’s due,I may not be the best of friends but out of everything I did for you washayawo one chandakakugonera?You contradict yourself everytime because you lie too much.You say unoda kundirova unorova munhu wese good for you,i don’t have time to fight I use my time on looking for money.I’m the one who paid your lawyer often as people were getting overwhelmed.But you say I didn’t do anything for you Woow!I gave your kids a car to use since they were struggling but my car came back damaged after they had an accident.Wasu wanted to talk to you about it so that it can be fixed but I told him not to worry it was an accidentUnoda munhu akaita sei?

Miss blue came to see you and support you in good faith but behind her back you said “zimukadzi iri rinondibhowa rinozvinetsa izvozvi busy nemapics aiwa ngarindirege”I was hurt to be honest because I know you say that too behind my back.Anokugonera ndiani nhai?,on your mum’s graduation waisatoda kuenda uchiti ndiri busy but she was there for you uri muPrison.Charity waurikutaura also told me how she sends money to you and you are not grateful.She wants to grow her clothing business that’s why she acts like she hypes you all the time.She gave us free clothes to wear on your mums graduation with the promise that you will post her which you never did.She came to me and said that woman is ungrateful she didn’t post anything.I don’t have any friend called Mirriam I don’t even know what you are talking about.

You think everyone is owing my car is fully paid up and I don’t owe anything I never said handikwerete but I don’t steal from people to feed my family and keep up with a fake life online.You poked me countless times and I still kept quiet but still it wasn’t enough for you.Tsvaga dzimwe nyaya dzechihure im used aah ndirinano ndohurira zviripo Ko iwe unoita kukembesa zvikomba mumba mako kutora mwana wemurume kuti ubatirire murume.

After everything has been said and done everyone you call hure takunatsotaura pafeya chaipo anganzi hure pakati pedu tese ndiani?How many things have you done and shown the world you must be ashamed of yourself.You have failed your kids as a role model to your kids upto an extent of a girl child copying your bad behaviour.Im a proud mom my daughter is in university I have done my best as a mother to my girl child.Yes ndakakurira kumaSewage but I have made it in life I own a mansion in a prime area Ko iwe wakakurira kwakanaka wakazodii paye?I have never insulted anyone from your family stop insulting my husband direct your anger to me.That year he gave you a house to live in when you were down just be grateful for once.I have rendered all my support as a friend and beyond but it’s so unfortunate that you don’t appreciate period.