Prominent and outspoken musician who is also the ruling party ZANU-PF aspiring councillor for Ward 20 Sandra Ndebele Sibindi last Friday donated 20 Laptops to four different schools in Nkulumane 12.

Speaking to BANO NEWS, Sandra Ndebele said the donation was made possible by his Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa who also assisted her in the initiative.

Sandra Ndebele who is also a child of Nkulumane community, a place where the popular figure grew up and attained her Primary Education at Mgoqo Primary School promised unending support to the community of Nkulumane.

Sandra Ndebele confirmed in an interview the number of laptops donated to each school in Nkulumane surbubs.

“5 Mncumbatha , 5 Mgoqo , 5 Mandwandwe , 5 Mgombane.I’m not stopping, It’s been my social responsibility,” said Ndebele.

The timely gesture comes at a time when the country is trying to further introduce advanced technology in schools and the communities in order to curb the digital divide syndrome.

Despite losing the recently held elections Sandra Ndebele continues to plough back into the community of Nkulumane.

Sandra Ndebele was also accompanied by Young Women for (ED ) Economic Development during the donation.