United Refineries CEO, Busisa Moyo, has wished his eldest daughter a happy birthday.
Writing on Facebook, Moyo said:
Happiest 1️⃣9️⃣th Birthday to our eldest daughter ….Butjilo Amanda Lesedi Moyo. It was one of the happiest day of my life leaving Avenues Clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe that morning after you were born. I had been in the ward with your mother that whole night, ‘‘twas a long delivery and your mother got tired & we had to keep her awake for the final minutes of your arrival with one Dr.Ayliffe. I had wanted you to be a boy…but that’s not what the Lord had ordered. The example you have set for your siblings and what I see & know now, the limited perspective of a human being who knows not what even the next hour holds, observing over the years The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ as always was right…to bring you as the FIRSTBORN princess. I am so proud of the cultured, mannered, hardworking & focused young lady that you have become & are.
You can be fun, friendly, humorous, like your mother you are a good organizer/arranger, a creative artist (singer & dancer) yet an insightful discerning woman & can be “left brained” & logical a God loving and Jesus worshipping young adult. I admire that you are such a good money manager & that you can braid your hair in a single night…& be beautiful the next morning. Be blessed my baby…it’s your first birthday away from us so I wrote long because you are far from me. How the years float by…as the Lord tarries.
1 Peter 3:4-5
But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves…..
Be blessed MaMoyo Ka Busisa lo Sandi. BaniMangandi!
It’s Dad…(Baabaaaa as you sometimes “chime” when you want to start with me)
Hepi Bethiday!!🎂💕🎂🎁