Popular South African based Zimbabwean businessman, Tino Mambeu, has revealed how he started Ulwazi energy.
Writing on Facebook, Mambeu said:
I remember more than a decade ago when I set up to start an energy company in South Africa.
Being broke without legal documentation presented a major challenge for me in South Africa. The one thing I relied upon was my knowledge of the trade and physical fitness. Every morning I moved from one house to the other in Turfontein Johannesburg telling anybody who cared to listen that I was an electrician who fixed lights, plugs and irons etc.
I knew all the streets from Turf Club right up to Rifle Range Road and over to Main Street in Rossetenvile. For most people starting a business needs only skill and fitness coupled with passion and extreme honesty!
Others listened and gave me a chance while others totally ignored me. I never lost hope. It has been a depressing and fulfilling journey at the same time. I remember Peter Naidoo the man who give us our first job that was valued at 2500 rand, may his dear Soul Continue to Rest in Eternal Peace. To date it remains a big achievement for from that day things slowly started happening!
Today I look back into this wonderful journey of time. It can only be God. I’m confident that one day we shall get there!
To our clients who keep on trusting us I say thank you and promise to never disappoint you. You made us and our sincere promise to you is nothing but diligent service and commitment to your day to day energy needs.
Thank you Team Ulwazi Energy Technologies Pty LTD keep on keeping the lights on!