Marondera businessman, Stanley Masaiti, yesterday shot himself dead at a joint owned by his younger brother and music promoter, Daniel Masaiti.
He left the suicide note below which reads Daniel and Chipiwa Masaiti mudzose mari yangu yamakaba 4 million.

An internet search revealed that in 2019, Stanely Masaiti listed his brother Daniel Masaiti and his company Danchip Enterprises as respondents.
Stanely claimed that there were unsanctioned withdrawals and diversion of funds from his tobacco sales account into Daniel’s CBZ bank accounts between 2009 and 2016 amounting to more than US$3 Million.

Stanely was running his farming business and invited Daniel, a former teacher and brother, to come and assist him with bookkeeping issues, payment of workers and payment of service providers.
The arrangement was that Stanely would assist Daniel to get medical attention, who at that time was suffering from a leg problem.

According to the summons, in 2018 Stanely discovered through a forensic audit that substantial amounts were diverted from his tobacco sales account with Tian Ze into Daniel’s CBZ bank accounts.