Robert Mugabe Jnr broke down into tears during an interview on the V Candy podcast when responding to  a question about the death of his father,  Robert Gabriel Mugabe in Singapore.

Key points from the discussion

1.  Robert Mugabe Junior turned 30 years.

2. I am an architect and a gym fanatic. I am Tino.

3. I have been fortunate,  my parents groomed me well.

4   Growing up I never had the freedom that other people had because of who my parents were.

5  Growing up I went to St Michael from grade 1 to grade 3, then Hartman house.

6. Inside the house, my dad was a father.  I used to play soccer with him. He was a normal father.

7. I am naturally a creative person.  I ended up studying architecture as a major . I studied in Dubai,  then switched and went to South Africa. When I moved to Singapore,  that is when they focused on the technological aspect of architecture.

8. I have done a couple of project.

9. My passion was basketball,  however,  I realized that I could not play my future role playing baseball. I stopped playing basketball when I was 26. I started focusing on more important things…I stopped playing basketball about 4 years ago.

10. I am now more aware of others..

11. I have never felt this good, being 30.

12. My father always used to walk around with a catholic rosary in his pocket. He was very religious.

13. When I moved to UAE I started to explore other religions.

14. I a kind person. Do you know how many people come to me every week and say ‘you will be used’?

15. I first saw Java on social media and I always wanted to meet him.

16. It so happened that we were in Zimbabwe at the same time.

17. A friend of my let me know that he also wanted to see me.

18. Prophet Passion is like a mentor to me,  he is a mentor. He has done well and he has helped a lot of people, things that he has never met on Instagram. He never asks anyone for anything.

19. When it comes to dating,  I have no type…

20. I am looking for a wife. In the next 2 to 3 years. I should have a kid by then.

21. I have made mistakes before, where I moved in with the wrong girl,  she was not the type to bring home.

22. There are certain qualities that are a must in my wife: She should be helpful,  able to do things for other people.

23. I don’t know if I am currently dating.  I have someone that I like. I dont have a main chick…

24. What I have now is something special…

25. My bad ex girlfriend was not Zimbabwean,  everyone knows her… I have never dated a Zimbabwean and it went bad

26. With Hillary there was a lot happening,  but we never had a proper conversation. She went to Malaysia and I was in Singapore.  Then I went to Malaysia.

27. The first time she came to Singapore, she was celebrating her birthday.

28. The relationship was on and off from July 2019 for a few months.

29. I read a lot, there is a year when I read 30 books.

30. During lockdown,  I was stuck in Singapore.  Its very futuristic,  there are a lot of things happening there that I would like to bring back here.

31. I went to BCI academy in Singapore, a construction academy.

32. I faced a lot of bullying at Kutama. I used to be hated. Form 1 and form 2, I got a lot of bullying, but when I got to form 3 and 4 I wasnt getting bullied.

33. I user to have people who held me accountable, but I realized they are limiting me. The only person I used to listen to was my dad, and I listen to my mom…

34. I work out and go to the gym, but since I have been in Zimbabwe, I haven’t really worked out. I have been spending a lot of time with people, going to the farm.

35. Anything could have happened to me..but I am happy that I have managed to get to where I am.

36. My father was sick for over 10 years, we knew as a family that one day the doctor would tell us he has a certain time to live.

37. In 2017, I moved to Singapore and he also came to Singapore. He was very ill, to a point where we would push him in a wheelchair. There were days when he would…

38. The last thing he told me before he died was to take care of the family,  your brothers and sisters.

39. He taught me discipline..How dedicated to his work…

40. I am hoping to get another degree and some form of education.

41. We have a farm,  soya farm,  we also have other deals. Zimbabwe has a lot of natural resources and people buy and sell.

42. The intention is for me to come back home and settle with my new family.

43. I have no preference between Tino and Robert Mugabe Jnr.

Please watch the video above this post for more details.