Former South Africa president Jacob Zuma’s son Duduzane has been elected as the new ANC branch chairperson of ward 11, eThekwini Region.

The election comes as a stepping stone to Dudu who aspires to follow in his father’s footsteps by becoming an ANC president.

As chairperson, Duduzane would stand a better chance to be a voting delegate during ANC’s regional and national conference where he could also be nominated for any position, including that of party president.

Duduzane rose to fame through his associations with the Gupta family, his business associates.

The Gupta’s left the country in 2018 amid allegations of fraud and corruption. They have also been implicated by several witnesses before the ongoing Commission of Inquiry into State Capture chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Since Zuma’s presidency, Duduzane has became a social media darling, dominating the trend list whenever he comes back from Dubai where he spends most of his time.