Popular award winning Zimbabwean journalist, Hopewell Chin’ono, has sparked debate about why Zimbabwean keep huge sums of cash in their homes.
This came after he posted the picture of a man with the caption:
“This man was caught on CCTV breaking into houses on Helensvale Road in Borrowdale last Friday.
US$20,000, phones, laptops and other things were stolen.
He returned last night and attempted more break-ins, but luckily he was disturbed and he escaped.”
Do you know him?
The subject quickly turned into a discussion on why Zimbabweans don’t trust banks.
Below are some of the comments :
Zimbos don’t trust the bank due to ever changing policies. Don’t forget people have had their hard forex forcefully converted several times before
These National Mattress Banks are predominant, households are loaded.
Mazimba anemari itorishoma 20k paneumwe akabirwa70k December.
Deroy Mangazva Aaah wangu, zviri mudzimba zvinorema, there’s nowhere safer than keeping it yourself.
Deroy Mangazva you want them to keep it at the bank in Zimbabwe with the way things are!
Deroy Mangazva who keeps his money in zimbabwean banks?
Next thing yu know mthuli announces that your money isn’t working anymore
Deroy Mangazva there is nowhere safe to put it; certainly not our financial institutions!! it is safer in your house than in a bank. That is the sad state of our country now.
In Zimbabwe it’s much much safer to keep your money in the house than to deposit it in the bank.
Due to our financial institutions in Zim which are not functioning properly we keep our dollars under our beds.
Deroy Mangazva Zimbabwean banks zvakangofanana inokwanisa kunyudzwa naMunangagwa and Mthuli Ncube,🤣🤣🤣
Deroy Mangazva a lot of people actually, lol.. I doubt people still bank their forex in this country.
Deroy Mangazva which bank can keep it safe for you.Bank of pillow is best
Deroy Mangazva the banks are not trustworthy in Zimbabwe.
Deroy Mangazva he stole from several houses….
Deroy Mangazva remember , thus where these zanu pf criminals live, meaning that $20,000 it’s not money.
US$20 000 and he is still going back for more?🙄
Shavi reurombo(the spirit of poverty)🤣🤣🤣
Ma soldier akazosiya 1 suitcase chete Wani kubva muden ma Chombo…..imagine suitcase full of US Dollars cash baba, Tazvijaira isu!!!!