The extradition hearing of fugitive Malawian prophet, Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary, kicks off at Lilongwe Magistrates court tomorrow.
The matter will be heard before Magistrate Viva Nyimba.
If the extradition request is granted, Bushiri faces a lengthy trial and jail term in South Africa for fraud, money laundering and multiple r_ape charges.
The extradition hearing comes in the same week that South African Investigators arrested Bushiri’s lawyers, Ntsako Baloyi and Alvin Khosa, and detained them overnight at Brooklyn police station.
Baloyi is now suing the police for R15 Million. He says he was detained by Colonel Phumla Mrwebi and her three colleagues without a warrant.
Bushiri, commenting on the arrest, said the Hawks claim to be still investigating when they started the fruitless probe in 2017.
The Hawks noted the statement issued by Bushiri and said their investigation relates to cases in which Bushiri’s lawyers were defeating the course of justice after inducing r_ape victims to withdraw their statements.
Please read the full story in today’s Sunday Independent – 7 March 2021.