MDC Alliance President, Nelson Chamisa, today revealed how Perence Shiri fired his uncle, Rukweza, who was a senior officer in the Zimbabwe National Army.
Chamisa was speaking at the memorial service for his late mother, Gogo Chamisa, In Buhera.

Chamisa said he and the late Learnmore Jongwe went to visit Rukweza at Manyame Air Base at the airmen’s mess. Chamisa said on arrival at the air base, they went to the guard room to obtain passes to be allowed into the air base.
Chamisa said they unfortunately met Perence Shiri at the guard room while waiting for Rukweza. After Shiri was informed that Chamisa and Jongwe were at the base to meet Rukweza, he ordered them to be removed to the base.
A loud speaker was deployed and the message was brodcast to say:
Nelson Chamisa and Learnmore Jongwe Budai Muno.
Chamisa said he has never had so many guns pointed at him. They were immediately bundled back into the guard room and Chamisa says everyone went out of their rooms to look at the scene.
On the same day, after that incident, Rukweza was thrown out of the Zimbabwe Military because he was said to be associated with a member of the opposition. He was forced to go and live in Glenview, jobless.
Chamisa said his uncle has never held a grudge against him for losing his job.
Please watch the video by clicking this link.