Prominent Chamisa Supporters, Prof Jonathan Moyo and Alex Magaisa were this weekend engaged in a bloody fight over G40’s role in ZANU PF.

Magaisa started the fight after attacking Walter Mzembi who had tweeted.

Walter Mzembi provides evidence that G40 was not the problem but the military

Magaisa then responded by saying

Magaisa tells Mzembi that he enjoyed being in ZANU PF

Mzembi then accused Magaisa of supporting the coup.

Mzembi accuses Magaisa of supporting the Coup

Jonathan Moyo the jumped in defence of Mzembi. He even produced a Herald article showing that Magaisa supported the coup.

Magaisa shows evidence that Magaisa supported the Coup

The whole tweet fight lasted more than one day and is still ongoing

Many people feel Jonathan Moyo enjoys attacking Magaisa

Many people were not impressed and questioned Prof Moyo’s commitment to fighting ZANU PF.