The Thokozani Khupe MDC-T faction has been plunged into further chaos after the Chamisa faction presented the missing constitution before the high court in its appeal of court cases that Khupe had initially won.
This has paralyzed the Khupe faction that is now failing to move forward with its planned programs.
As it stands, the Chamisa faction has over 6 ongoing court cases that include:
– Harvest House Occupation
– Replacement of MPs
– Thabitha Khuma – Lilian Timevios
– Replacemeof proportional representatives MPs
– Recall of MPs by MDC-T
– By-Elections for recalled MPs
– Disbursement of funds to MDC-T
Jameson Timba yesterday indicated that the MDC Alliance will block Khuphe faction from replacing recalled MPs using the publicc objection process.
The MDC- T yesterday that the EOC congress will be held between 4th to the 6th of September. This is after MDC-T failed to organise all structures withing the initial deadline of 30 June, 31 July.
The MDC-T has so far recalled 13 MDC Alliance MPs from Parliament. However, they have failed to make progress in uniting the MDC.
MPs, councillors and senators are left in suspence as both factions fail to address the situation.
The MDC Alliaance Chamisa faction is still refusing to publicly accept the Supreme court ruling. However, it is clear that MPs can not afford to lose their seats.
Behind The Scences Negotiations
Behind the scene negotiations have failed to materialize as both Chamisa and Khupe have failed to convince their closest followers to back down.
However, it is clear that none of the two sides can come out as winners in the current situation.
Best Case scenario
The best scenario will be where the two sides come together in a compromise deal that will see the two factions uniting under Chamisa, with Khuphe as VP.
However, the exclusion of Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube and considerations around the recalled MPs will certainly be a deal breaker.
There is no end in sight for the MDC squabbles. The MDC has reached a new low in its leadership fights and ZANU-PF will be the biggest beneficiary from the current situation.
Zimbabweans are now looking to see if ZANU-PF in-fighting will bring about change throught a Coup or