Evangelist Benedict Medju of Favor Home International gave a chilling prophecy concerning Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ouster from power.
Prophet Medju said Mnangagwa’s term will be cut short as he failed to find favor in God following his hardened heart, human abuses and rising to power against the will of the people.
Prophet Medju said it was not the will of people that put Mnangagwa to power therefore God is angry, he has failed to learn from the mistakes of the late former President RG Mugabe.
The man of God said unless there is genuine dialogue between Mnangangwa and the people of Zimbabwe, his ouster is imminent.
He added that Mnangagwa’s failure to heed to the word of God will cause the almighty to bring forth a civil war in the nation characterised by skyrocketing prices, shortage of food, economic crisis.
Prophet Medju said a small group of militants already established planning to overthrow Mnangagwa will succeed unless Mnangagwa swallows his pride and repent from his evil ways.
The prophet said, God has raised a young man Nelson Chamisa leader of the opposition party to take over after the ouster of Mnangagwa through a coup.