A key reason why MDC has taken long to achieve its goals has been the use of s*x to trap its leaders, both its male and female leaders have been victims of honeytraps, said a reliable source.
Prominent journalist Hopewell Chin’ono Zanu PF traps its critics through these unscrupulous means.
“The regime also traps its critics outside the MDC with women and if the critic is married, he is held hostage after sexual encounter and told to SHUTUP or else
If he is single, the girl feigns rape and uses that as a silencing tool or else” he said.
He urged critics of the ruling party not to allow themselves to be exposed through s*x as the regim uses that devastatingly to its advantage.
Chin’ono added that Bishop Pius Ncube fell victim after he called for TelOne to fix his landline which has went off, they installed secret cameras in his house.
He said the regime has nude pictures, videos and chats of powerful people including businessmen, Obert Gutu was trapped by a woman who purported to be a client in the US.