Let’s Go 365!
Today marks Day 3 as the world and nation commemorate 16 days against gender based violence.
This year’s commemorations runs from 25 November to 10 December under the theme, “Generation Equality Stands Against Rape”.
As the MDC Youth Assembly joins the rest of the world and other progressive organizations in commemorating these important calendar days, it is our underlining that our society need to eradicate and eliminate all forms of gender based violence hence our localized theme, Let’s Go 365, Not 16.
The Assembly has lined up a number of programs and events to raise awareness against gender based violence starting with a roadshow program to be held in Gwanda on 30 November.
Generally women and young women in particular are often victims of gender based violence.
We have noted with concern that some very senior politicians are chief culprits when it comes to perpetrating violence against women, especially their spouses.
From Kembo Mohadi to General Constantine Chiwenga, the media is awash with stories about how the two ZANU PF Vice Presidents ill treat their spouses and sometimes with the help of law enforcement agents as in the case of the former against Tambudzani, his wife.
The most saddening part is that even in Universities which ideally should be paragons against gender violence, female students’ rights are often violated in what is infamously referred to as “Thigh for A Mark” practice by male lecturers.
Despite Zimbabwe outlawing child marriages, this social ill is still rampant in the periphery of the periphery of our countryside.
It is also clear that not enough has been done by this military government to support provision of basics like monthly cycle pads to young girls especially those in primary schools.
The shrinking democratic space has also not helped the fight against gender based violence as oftentimes civic groups and organizations are branded enemies of state for carrying civic work for such purposes.
State agents have also catapulted cases of women abuses as was the case on 01 August 2018 and January 2019 when women were raped and murdered.
Stephen Sarkozy Chuma-
MDC Youth Assembly National Spokesperson