Friday, 22 November 2019
The MDC-T has noted the desperate attempt and the pathetic propaganda against our Party and the President Dr Khupe, from our erstwhile comrades, disguised as news report from some unknown news outlet and correspondent.
It baffles the mind how a personal twitter message from a mature adult in Adv. Obert Gutu, according to this crowd and its juvenile leader has evolved to become Dr Khupe’s
words or that of the Party she leads.
The people of Zimbabwe and the global community must disabuse themselves of being taken advantage of by this propaganda syndicate led by a buffoon devoid of political
ideology, strategy, principle and even common sense.
It is common cause that Khaliphani Phugeni, is both Dr Khupe’s and the Party’s spokesperson. Therefore anyone whose mind has not taken leave of or is not under the
influence of some strong substance will not seek to draw Dr Khupe or the Party she leads and conflate with Adv Gutu’s personal views.
This vicious disinformation campaign against the person of Dr Khupe, by this rogue crowd, and its leader emanates from a deep professional jealous and bigotry.
It is barely a week since the Finance Minister Honourable Professor M Ncube, announced a two hundred million USD budget for free sanitary pads for our school girls
from grade four to form six.
While our erstwhile comrades went around the country promising “a pie in the sky” in the form of airports for tomatoes and bullet trains when for over 20yrs they’ve failed
to provide clean water and undisrupted service to the Cities they govern.
Dr Khupe, instead made realistic promises of building “Equal opportunity for everyone”
Notwithstanding the fact that she didn’t do as well as needed in the elections because of the violence and forgery from the MDC Alliance, she soldiered on chose cooperation
than confrontation and destruction, today the parliamentary committee on basic education chaired by Hon. Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga of MDC-T, achieved this
USD two hundred million budget for our girls without the contribution of the MDC Alliance because they boycotted all the meetings for the partisan reason that the
competent chairperson Hon Misiharabwi-Mushonga, is from Dr Khupe’s MDC.
Today while others are consumed by a demonic orgy of violence, destruction of property and economic sabotage in pursuit of the elusive presidency or Prime Minister’s post through some imaginary government of national unity for their
childish leader.
The MDC-T and Dr Khupe consistent to the “servant leadership”
culture of our movement have accepted that elections have come and gone and in
whatever sphere of influence we find ourselves we must rip some benefits for the
indigent and vulnerable mases of our people.
Here is the real Hope of the Nation Address, the culture of equal worth and dignity of
all human beings has visited our girls and young women and the indignity and
restrictions imposed by lack of sanitary products have been destroyed and the right to
human dignity, equality, education and bodily integrity ushered in, courtesy in no
small measure of Dr Khupe and the MDC-T working in cooperation with the
government of the day.
Issued by MDC-T Information.
Khaliphani Phugeni