Mnangagwa Must Prove his Commitment by Dealing with Corrupt RBZ and NSSA Officials
Emmerson Mnangagwa has been challenged to show his commitment towards improving the economy by dealing with the corruption infested RBZ which has caused a dire situation of cash shortages.
In a sideline interview held after the Yard public lecture, Linda Masarira said “We want to move forward. Mnangagwa deposed Robert Mugabe with the confidence that he could fix this country.
Now we want to see him dealing with the corruption at RBZ which is causing cash shortages”said Masarira.
Speaking on corruption, Obert Gutu also blasted the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) for corruption that continues unabated.
“NSSA is a stinking corruption hell hole with scandals that read like a fiction movie storyline and surely something has got to give.
I am shocked and bamboozled that life goes on normally at NSSA whilst corruption continue unabated”he said.