*Sunday Combined Service*
*27 October 2019*
*Prophet E Makandiwa*
*Scriptures:* Luke 10 vs 19
• It is such a blessing for us to be here this morning. Your being here is an act of God. This is how God works. He helps you go through fire and high waters. But he has brought us to a fruitful place.
• Power shall not be given. Power had already been given. The Lord is elevating his church above schemes of scorpions and serpents in this nation. Every poison serpents in this nation….every child of God be reminded that power over scorpions has been given.
• Jesus then says *….and over all the power of the enemy* , the devil. So if someone tells you that the devil doesn’t have any power the person is lying to you. Jesus is not saying I’ve given you power over the weaknesses of the devil but power over the power of the devil.
• If you don’t believe in altars then you don’t believe in the cross. The cross was against what? It was given to John that they overcame him by the blood, the cross. They overcame him by the power of the altar and the word of their testimony. We overcome by invoking the power of the altar. If they overcame by the blood then what they overcame had to be blood. Blood is overcome by blood.
• You overcome your own personal blood by the blood of the Lamb. That’s where victory comes from. There is the use of the blood against the blood. Jesus says over *ALL* the power meaning the power of the devil comes in different forms and levels. And Jesus gave us power over all the power of the devil.
• The man of God Joshua had an anointing to destroy the city of Jericho and also the anointing to keep it destroyed. Any person be it a witchdoctor, a man of God or a professor or a politician anyone else who shall try to administer healing or to resurrect these evil altars that person shall die first before he can resurrect the evil altars.
• Every evil altar is breaking today and never to be raised again even after 100 years. There are multiple altars in one generation. One altar covers barrenness making sure there is no productivity, another altar comes to oppose you. Certain altars come to undermine your certificates and your education. No matter how educated you are they’ll make sure that you’ll not work anywhere. *Altars are coming down*
• The way a disease was made by satan is that if it’s out under a machine it should be identified but where is our problems coming from? Our poverty must be traced where it is coming from.
• There is an altar somewhere and the prophet knows the men and the women who spoke into those altars but their words cannot be more powerful than the word of the Prophet and they cant be more anointed than the prophet.
• What we say here shall stand. If you’re against God’s plan, then put your house on order because you shall surely die.
• Zimbabwe is a small village that two or three men can cause it to be in serious trouble. But that shouldn’t be. Corruption must be fought spiritually. Anyone who diverts money meant for the poor and orphans towards personal gains must die.
• Do you know food poisoning? When poison is put in food it blends with food. You’ll not feel it while eating. There must be a way of poisoning money that if you touch money that’s not yours then you’ll suffer. Children of darkness could do the same to their wives that if another man touches his wife the man shall be caught.
• Everything that the enemy took away from you, you must receive it as soon as possible
• Africa needs to be sorted. How can one person steal $5 Billion? Such a person cannot be arrested because the police are hungry? Only in the spirit can such people be arrested.
• Gold can he sorted, money can be sorted.
• There was a man (a King) in the bible who didn’t want the cups and plates that the food was served on that evening and he called his servants to bring the cups and plates that they had taken away from the House of God when they captured the children of Israel. He didn’t know that they were sorted. The highest level of corruption was when what belonged to God was taken by a man that evening and God responded. *[Daniel 5]*
• God has grace, he has the power to protect what belongs to him
• Go home knowing that instead of visiting other countries to rest, God will bring a holiday in this country. Child of God, God is more present in this country than any of the countries that you think. The concentration of God in this land can never be compared to anything. You’re being fought not only because you have the minerals but you have the God of the minerals. The devil is fighting you because God is a resource, the children of God are resources.
• From this place deliverance shall be established. God spoke to Abraham and he told him that I’ve blessed you young old man and the children after you shall be blessed because of you. But I’ve to let you know that before they can celebrate they have to suffer. Jesus himself suffered the same style of having to endure the cross and joy came after the cross.
• There is a glory that comes after every suffering. God said your children shall be tenants and slaves yet they had a grandfather who made a covenant but it shall not end like that. But God made a mark of when the slavery would end.
*[Genesis 15:13]*
• The promise of the deliverance of this nation might be longer than that of the children of Israel. The prophet was given the information about the deliverance of this nation long before he came into this world. When the prophet preaches he follows a certain criteria. He was given a template, *the God of Moses* . The grace upon the prophet is activated whenever captivity is felt.
• After 400 years of slavery that God had declared the children of Israel continued in slavery for 40 more years until they cried unto God and God heard their cry. God’s duty is to make sure that a prophecy is delivered but when the time is come for the fulfilment, the one prophesied to must stand up and make sure that they move.
• What is happening is well planned. There is no other way things should go. This is our time it’s our season, He has given us power of every power of the devil
• We are now finishing up on altars its now getting to the time of the evening sacrifice. Tave kunopeta. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we are continuing with prayers visiting our Altars.
• There is a prophecy that the prophet gave on Orel radio about a donkey and the chariots on 10 October 2019, 17 days ago but he will help us understand the prophecy when the time comes.
• You don’t want to hear horses talk or cry because when they cry you’ll not be able to ignore them. You’ll not concentrate you’ll not focus because it is not given to then to talk and to cry. It is given to them to walk, to move.
• Those of you with faith, this week as you pray begin to line up positives in your life. This thing it will not take time. The river is flowing now. The clouds are gathering now. It is about to rain. What will come from the heavens will shock some of you. You’ll need capacity to accommodate what God is giving you. Begin to stretch your capacity. Some of you your hands are too small, your understanding is too small. You need to extend your horizons. Something great is coming your way now. This is a spiritual matter this is by a decree by the prophet. When others murmur begin to expect what you want God to be doing for you
• The prophet is hearing Zimbabwe singing a new song. All the problems that you’ve seen in this country you’ll sit down with your children one day telling then the history of this nation and they’ll consider you liars. Even the poorest sort of our people at their level …as long as you can open your eyes…very soon at the flour very flour…soon