United States president Donald Trump has issued a statement about what the government of ZANU PF should exactly do in order to have sanctions removed from Zimbabwe. ZANU PF in solidarity with the SADC have agreed to set aside this day today to seek for answers from the United states and the west.
Donald Trump through the United States foreign policy did not delay to deliver the answer they are seeking even before the march had started. Trumps said that ZANU PF government must put energy in bringing about clear reforms for the citizens of Zimbabwe.
The foreign relations committee added that implementation of reforms as outlined in the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery was key.
They added that ZANU PF government must channel their resources towards the delivery of long promised reforms. They warned the government of distorting facts about sanctions that were were specific and targeted upon the ruling elite.
The U.S foreign relations committee explained that they do not sanction countries for no apparent reason.
October 25 was set aside by the government of ZANU PF in solidarity with the SADC to demonstrate against sanctions which were imposed in 2002 . On ground the government has not committed to any reforms . The economy has suffered with inflation going above 300%.