Anti – sanctions demonstration scheduled for 25 October 2019 by ZANU PF in solidarity with SADC has exposed how broke ZANU PF is currently.
In a letter addressed to Chipinge Dairy Farmers, Chipinge district administrator is asking for donations of diesel from Chipinge dairy farmers association .
In the letter the district administrator explains that the purpose of the fuel is to ferry Chipinge community to the anti- sanctions demonstrations.
The district administrator states that as a district they have been tasked to fundraise for the fuel that will be used to ferry peple on 25 October 2019.
The request for dairy farmers to supply fuel leaves critics wondering what would happen to the farmers if they fail to donate their fuel.
The economy has gone down to levels where even ZANU PF itself can not afford fuel which has gone up more than seven times in 2019 alone. The anti sanctions march scheduled for Friday is not expeted to change anything as the government is not willing to reform.