RENAMO opposition leader Ossufo Monade has threatened to reject the outcome of the election in Mozambique . Frelimo won by a small margin 53.3% with 88% voter turnout .
Monade made these remarks ealier today . He claims there was massive rigging and violence.
Mozambicans are suspicious of Oppah Muchinguri ‘s ZANU PF. It is alleged that Muchinguri on behalf of ZANU PF used her position to help ruling Frelimo win elections.
It is alleged that the opposition was angered by Muchinguri’ s actions and conduct. Muchinguri advised both parties to accept the outcome of the election.
Ossufo Monade ‘ s threats put the credibility of the Mozambican elections at stake .
Oppah Muchinguri headed the SADC observer mission team to monitor the elections . Mozambique has been affected by rebels in the past.