ZANU PF senior leaders in Matabeleland are crying fowl as general Chiwenga has taken control of both the military and the party to oust ED Mnangagwa .
The new coup is in favour of the minister of foreign affairs and international trade ,retired major general Sibusiso Moyo to take the vice presidency . Jacob Mudenda, Simon Khaya Moyo and Obert Mpofu have been fighting for the vice presidency since the death of John Nkomo.
Robert Mugabe did not choose any of them . He chose their junior Phelekezela Mpoko. After the coup ED Mngangagwa too sidelined them. Chiwenga is set to sideline them in his next move.
Matabelend ZANU PF leaders are all G40 cabals .They saw the first Chiwenga coup coming and they crossed floors for their survival. Obert Mpofu was a Mugabe and Grace’ s obedient son. Simon Khaya fired ED Mnangagwa.
After crossing from the G40 to the lacoste coup team, they find themselves in a mess. Their junior general SB Moyo is being elevated ahead of them.
General Chiwenga and the military are neither G40 nor lacoste. They are ZANU PF king makers . Both lacoste and G40 are general Chiwenga’ s cry babies . They compete before him and the military for recognition. ED Mnangagwa is not Chiwenga’ s favorite anymore. The first coup destroyed the real ZANU PF .