Zimbabwe Hospitals Doctors Association(ZHDA) has persisted on striking again even after facing job dismissal.
In a statement ZHDA said they will stand in solidarity with their seniors and will make it clear that job dismissal wont stop them from advocating what is right.
ZHDA said that doctors will not report for duty up until unprecedented actions are reversed and grievances addressed.
ZHDA expressed deep saddness over unlawful suspension of senior specialist pediatric surgeon Dr Bothwell Anesu Mbuwayesango over participating in doctors strike.
Mbuwayesango is a Zimbabwean pediatric surgeon who successfully led an all Zimbabwean team that separated conjoined twins in 2014 during an eight-hour operation at Harare hospital; it was the country’s second successful separation, the first was in 1985 .
ZHDA said Mbuwayesango is a doctor who value medicine in Zimbabwe .
ZHDA said that the training of surgeon will be undermined by this unethical move.