In the late 70s before the Zimbabwe Liberation struggle started, Ndabaningi Sithole and Joshua Nkomo were given one staff each by the spirit mediums at Matojeni.
The staffs were reportedly the mystical staffs of Chaminuka which possess special powers .
They were supposed to return these staffs after the war was won.
At Independence, Mugabe heard about these staffs. He started to desperately look for the staffs and raided Ndabaningi Sithole’s farm multiple times looking for the staffs.
He also raided Nkomo ‘s house in Pelandaba multiple times looking for the staffs.
Finally, during Gukurahundi, Mugabe decided to kill all the spirit mediums at Matojeni. He did this under the guise that the Spirit mediums were providing spiritual support to the dissidents.
Traditionalists who spoke to Gambakwe Media explain that if the issue of Matojeni is not addressed, there will never be rain in Zimbabwe.
The other questions is did the staffs of Chaminuka fall into Mugabe ‘s hands.