Currently Zimbabwe has two presidents . ED Mnangagwa was declared winner by the constitutional court in the 2018 elections. Nelson Chamisa and the MDC Alliance believed they won the elections . They had all the statistical data to support their claim.
The court choose Mnangagwa after a long court battle. The outcome came forced Zimbabwe to have two presidents. One from the courts and the other one from the electorate who are believed to have given Nelson Chamisa a resounding victory.
The economy responded to show that Zimbabwe had two presidents . ED and ZANU PF is in control of rural Zimbabwe where there economy depends on urban community for survival. Nelson Chamisa and MDCA are very much strong in urban areas and are controling both politically and economically.
Parliament which is dominated by ZANU PF has realised the challenge of technically having two country presidents. It is reported that the speaker of parliament Jacob Mudenda is working hard to bring the two to a negotiating table . This comes after a series of ZANU PF failures including the rejection of Mugabe to be burried at heroes acre , ED Mnangagwa ‘ s address of empty chairs in New York . Parliament is now working towards a solution. They now believe dialogue is the answer .