It seems as if Ecocash has finally responded to the complaints of the citizens. A few days ago there was an outcry on social media as ecocash agents had increased their premiums for cashing out.
It has always been the case, even when the late former President Robert Mugabe was still President, people were being charged extra to get cash from Ecocash agents, but nothing was being done.
After a public outcry and a threat for arrest of the Ecocash managers, Ecocash has finally responded and claimed they have suspended over 4000 agents who are charging extra for cash out.
Ecocash said they are ready and will not hesitate to act accordingly to any reported cases of charging above the authorized commission levels outside the Ecocash platforms.
They also encouraged their customers to report any cases to their toll free line 114 or their official social media platforms.
Ecocash has been known for not responding to ay of their communication platforms.