Mnangagwa, who is on leave, has ordered public media to remove any reference to Chiwenga in the state press. Interviews with Chiwenga were last night removed from all news bulletins.
Mnangagwa has ordered a media blackout on Chiwenga since 13 December 2024 when Chiwenga was acting President.
Chiwenga is expected to speak at the national Heroes acre today when three national heroes are set to be buried.
Please watch the video above this post for more details
Key events for today
Triple burial at the National heroes acre to be presided over by Chiwenga.
1. Ben Manyenyeni comments on Minnie’s weight
2. Shereni appears in court for abusing fellow prisoner
3. Angeline Zvikomborero Munjana married as a second wife to Forbes Dengwa.His wife Anesu is now admitted in hospital.
1. Temba Mliswa loses court application
2. Highlanders owe Morgan Dube $2500 for being acting CEO after the death of Sihlangu Dlodlo
2.KCD Mohadi tournament to be held this weekend at Pelandaba Stadium
1. Mozambique to buy water from Zimbabwe as dam level is now at 20%. The Cahora Bassa normally hold 60 billion cubic millilitres and is currenky at 12 cubic mililiters. The Kariba normally is at 5 million cubic milliliters.
2. Mozambique is developing the The Mphanda Nkuwa hydroelectric project is a proposed 1,500 MW run-of-the-river hydroelectric facility planned for the Zambezi River in Tete Province, Mozambique which will be operational in 2031.
3. Sengezo Tshabangu and ZANU-PF to share ZIG 170 million
4. Duma Boko meets investors in Davos, Switzerland
5. Asset Forfeiture unit freezes bank accounts in Namibia for proceeds of illegal coal mining in the Carolina area. The amounts seized add up to R52 million from the accounts of Jacobus Hosea Jordaan and his wife Elza Jordaan. The couple is being accused of illegal coal mining and money laundering. A further preservation order was granted for a bank account in the name of Reinet Binneman
6. Musa Khawula appears in court over comments he made on social media
Victoria Falls project
Triple burials at the National Heroes Acre in Zimbabwe, along with the names of those interred:
Lieutenant General Sibusiso Busi Moyo
Dr. Joel Biggie Matiza
Major-General Paradzai Zimondi
Cdes Nash Nyasha Dzimiri
Tsitsi Grace Jadagu
Brigadier-General Shadreck Vezha