Oscar Pambuka a Zimbabwean media personality has said he is looking for a nice lady .

He added that he knows that he might not find her in Zimbabwe or Africa.

This is what he said:

I start by saying blessed Sunday to you all and hope I find you well. Zita rangu ndinonzi Oscar Pambuka.
The resurrection is simply the restoration of order in one’s life. It’s about killing the negative person in you and rejuvenating the positive inner man, who is a catalyst for growth.
Part of my life to be restored include mudzimai.
Parikuda ka nice kanotya Mwari, kanogeza makuseni, masikati nemanheru. Anofanira kugeza mukanwa make nokuti I always kiss.
Handidi nyope, uye musikana anotaura madimikira ne zvirahwe. I want someone anogona chirungu coz most of my team are white.
The person should have a passport and must not be involved in politics.
I hate make up so that explains itself.
I know physical attributes haana basa stereki but I don’t want to lie, ndoda munhu ane flesh nokuti inini ndirika small body kubva kare.
Haabude panze nokuti anotorwa nana Mandingo ndikachema.
Ndini ndinomushandira. Handidi mukadzi anoenda kubasa.
Handifarire bonde uye mukadzi anotaura neshamwari dzangu.
#The ResurrectionÂ