Popular USA based activist, Gary Thwala Jackson, has revealed that married CCC Vice President, Professor Welshman Ncube, is dating a mother and her daughter at the same time.

Writing on Facebook, Thwala said the mother works out of town and when she leaves home her daughter remains behind and carries on an affair with the Ncube .

Public Service Announcement!

KuloMama othandana loWelshman Ncube osebenzela out of town olomntwana oyinkazana osala ngekhaya nxa unina esemsebenzini. I won’t publish the name or the house number to protect the young lady. Abangane bakho dadewethu bayesaba ukukutshela sebecele ukuthi ukuthi ngikuncwebe indlebe ngoba umntanakho laye seyi- girlfriend kaNcube basically lidliwa lobabili losisinyana.

This came to me about a month ago and they even sent proof and later someone reached out to me seeing posts engibuza ngizwe ngobani I didn’t disclose but wathi akulandaba lami ngiyayazi into okhuluma ngayo. You are my follower and I know your friends will tell you ukuthi you are on my wall.

Wishing you a better boyfriend mySi.