ZBC television presenter Yahya Goodvibes has been attacked by Mai Titi’s fans after she took a jibe at her.

This comes after Yahya Goodvibes wrote on her Instagram stories that “Hakuna mbinga inotamba round.”

Even though she didn’t mention any names, social media critics quickly concluded that she was referring to Mai Titi.

Last year, Mai Titi was an active participant in the money club investment scheme. Once in a while, she would post positive updates about the money club, and recently, she revealed that some ladies who took part in this initiative managed to buy cars while some managed to buy stands and build houses.

Following this post, Mai Titi’s fans came to her defence and slammed Yahya Godvibes for her sentiments.

Here are some of the comments:


Hmmm tisiireyi mai tt vedu havana futi kumbo bvira vazviti imbinga. She was a single woman excelling in her own ways. And now she is a wife trying to excel independently from her husband. Husband can be a mbinga but as a wife unoitawo ka twako tuma rounds kuti uite excel wegawo.


Ita hakuna mbinga yaunoziva inotamba round,coz ndine vandinoziva vanokandirana R50 000 pasvondo vari 20


Vanotamba MaRound emota neDzimba …chete she cant relate cause zvake zvese zvaainazvo ndezve offering dzabva kuchurch


Uyu rega achizogara achibirwa hake. Kanoda kuzviona kunge kane yese kanoziya twese twese. Hausi mbinga asi unoti mbinga haidai , inodai! Wakazvizivira kupi iwe senzeni ne 2 cents dzako!? Mxm


Says someone who praises passion java😂gerara here iwe …round inotambirwei if you don’t understand kty inoitirwei nyarara chisikana imi vasingatambe round racho munei busy kutera Ana panganai tikwanire😂😂😂