Media personality Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa hosted the PRAZ Conference on public procurement in Victoria Falls last week.

Posting on social media, Ruvheneko said the conference was about procurement of products and services (especially in a crisis/emergency), the abuse of Public funds, corruption, the awarding of Tenders, the role played by PRAZ, SPOC, ZACC, THE AUDITOR GENERAL.

Present at the conference was Vice President Chiwenga and Minister of State for Mat North, Mr Moyo and many other prominent people.

“Hosting the PRAZ Conference on Public Procurement, with Shadreck Nembaware, in Vic Falls last week, was an experience for the books! He is another kind of entertainment!”

Ruvheneko added, “I know more about Procurement than I ever have and boy, do we have some cleaning up to do there, Dear Zimbabwe.”

Chiwenga said procurement has to be turned into a recognised profession, and also to call out Corruption at every single turn. In his words, “Shape up, or Ship out!”