Popular Zimbabwean media owner, Trevor Ncube, has described the unbearable pain that he is feeling after losing his mother, niece and father to Covid-19 within one week.

Speaking to Faith Ministries Bishop, Ngwiza Mkandla, Ncube said he regrets not doing more and blames himself for the deaths of his parents.

He said he is failing to process how this could happen in such a short space of time and wishes he had insisted that hes parents get vaccinated.

Ncube said the death of his cousin Lorraine hit him evrn harder as he saw her 30 minutes before she passed on.

Ncube said seven of his family members were infected with Covid-19 after attending his fathers funeral.

At his mother’s funeral, Ncube banned all mourners except for 16 close family members.

Please watch the video above this post for more details.Â