In a new twist to the Gweru love triangle shooting, Gambakwe Media sources have exclusively revealed that Nyasha Nharingo, who is the second wife of fugitive businessman, Peter Dube, is pregnant.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the source said Dube was also allegedly dating the late Gamu Mudungwe, who he shot and killed at the flat together with another man, Shelton Chinhango.

Gamu was also dating Chinhango. It is not clear who between Shelton and Dube is responsible for Nyasha’s pregnancy.

Reports at the time claimed that Dube was angry after Nyaradzo and Nyasha travelled to Masvingo without telling him and shot the four on their return at the flat, which he was renting for Nyasha.

The two sisters, Nyasha and Nyaradzo, both survived the shooting and are now out of hospital.

Dube is still on the run and has not been arrested, although he was answering his phone on the next day after the shooting.

Sources have revealed that Dube might have received military training in Serbia.

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