Zimbabwean artists have shown sympathy towards DJ Fantan who recently got sentenced to 6 months in prison.

Comedian Mai TT and other artists like Jah Prayzer, Jah Signal and Enzo Ishall posted on social media their emotional messages advising Fantan to stay strong.

“We learn the hard way, we just pray for a miracle”, said Mai TT.

“Ndashamisika ndichiona vamwe vachifarira kutongwa kwavo, Dai vaiziva Kuti imhuri ngani dzirikurarama nekuda kwechillspot vaisadaro”, said Enzo.

“Kune vakomana vangu makaita Kuti Ini nevamwe vakawanda tiwane hupenyu nemagitare, Mwari’ vakusimbei panguva into”, said Jah Signal.

Jah Prayzer posted: ” from mistakes like these we learn. You will come out stronger, bigger and wiser. Stay strong”.