Prophet Ben Donho Isaacs has given a strange prophecy concerning Emmerson Mnangagwa and Monica Mutsvagwa.

The Prophet said he saw the millitary rounding up people however a small splinter group started revolting.

He said the biblical King Nebuchadnezzar appeared in the dream and asked why people are angry while Mnangagwa is giving them bread

Ben added that the king started showering praises for Mnangagwa who he believed is a good leader.

“As he was praising him immediately a man started rebuking the king”

“How dare u speak like that do you not see how the people have suffered”.

The man of God said he saw a huge stone rolling towards king nebuchadnezzar and crushed him to his death.

In the prophecy, the man of God said he saw dogs looking for Christopher Mutsvangwa’s wife Monica however when the black dogs were about to take her, something happened and they let her go.