Popular Zimbabwean prophet, Tom Tirivangani, has slammed Bushiri for mixing business with ministry and bringing the Christian faith into disrepute.
Prophet Tirivangani said the problem is that Pastors want to be rich quickly and when that happens they easily get tempted by the devil.
He said other Pastors have started to support Bushiri saying he is being persecuted, when in actual fact he is not. Prophet Tirivangani said Bushiri should instead ask for forgiveness and get his life right with God.
Prophet Tirivangani said Bushiri should repent instead of galvanizing himself as God is giving himself a chance to repent.
Hr said Bushiri should have returned the money that he took from his congregants instead of trying to defend himself.
Prophet Tirivangani said Pastors should not be businessmen because in business sometimes there is cheating, which is not part of the Christian calling.
Prophet Bushiri said the behavior of Bushiri is polluting the church.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.