The young lover of the wife of Jerry Falwell, the former head of Liberty University, has revealed that the three travelled extensively together across the country.

Falwell is a Trump supporter and is a leader of a strict evangelical denomination. His Wife Becki is friends with Melania Trump.

The lover, Giancarlo Granda, says his s_exual relationship with the Falwells began when he was 20. Granda was a poolboy for the Falwells.

He says he had sex with Becki Falwell while Falwell Watched. The affair lasted for over 7 years from 2012.

He enjoyed watching us in person and also remotely through video cameras,’’ Granda told Politico. “He also listened to our phone calls.”

The Scandal has resulted in Falwell stepping down from his position. It is reported that Falwell will be paid more than $10 Million as a sepetations package.