Advocate Thabani Mpofu is working with ZANU PF to weaken Nelson Chamisa’s power as an opposition leader.
Jethro Rusike said a relative of his who is in the Intelligence of Zimbabwe told him that Mpofu was hired by ZANU PF to give fake advice to Chamisa which will eventually mark his downfall.
Mpofu has lost three cases but still feels he has to challenge the courts on the Excel gates which will also be a dead end.
Thabani Mpofu is no longer relevant his demise was marked in 2018 when he was destroyed by Kanengoni after challenging the constitutional court.
Rusike said ZANU PF has always managed to triumph because they destroy MDC from within using their ZANU PF projects.
In 2013, Baba Jukwa rose to fame exposing the ills of the government, which landed MDC a huge following however, MDC lost the election. The person behind baba Jukwa was Edmund Kudzayi a former journalist for state run media.
Rusike said Chamisa should not listen to people telling him that the supreme court judgement is meaningless.
Chamisa should proceed with the extraordinary congress even if he is not nominated only then will he see people loyal to him.
Chamisa has an upper hand because of his huge following therefore he stands a bigger chance of beating Khuphe.
Rusike said if Chamisa fails to be nominated at the congress, he should form a new party and move from MDC for good. Members who will follow Chamisa are true followers who haven’t been infiltrated by ZANU PF.