One person has been killed in China and was tested positive for a virus, not Corona virus but Hantavirus.

What is Hantavirus?

Hantavirus are a family of viruses that are spread mainly by rodents (mice, rats, squirrels).

They can cause varied diseases in people.

‘New World’ Hantavirus can cause Hantavirus pulmonary Syndrome (HPS).

‘Old World’ Hantavirus fever with renal Syndrome (HFRS) are some diseases it can cause.

These are fatal diseases that is why a person died in Yunna Province.

How does it spread

It spreads of p come in cont with uri, feaces and saliva of rodents.

To lesser extent, it can also get spread if the infected host bites someone.

Cases in India, reported in the past in some tribes engaged in rodent catching.SymptomsFatigue, fever, muscle ache, headache, dizziness, chills and abdominal problems.

If the person is not treated, they can face coughing, breathlessness or can die.In HFRS, conditions like low blood pressure kidney failure can be seen.

Mortality rate is 38%

Positive News

It can not be spread from people to people.Rodent population control is the main strategy.

Hantavirus is not a new virus and has been infecting humans for decades.