The vision was seen on the 3rd of November 2019 Kerry Anne Gidden

The lady who saw the vision said she was standing in the street and she saw stores.

All these stores where closed. When she looked in these stores, she saw a light. The light was a fake light.

On top of the stores where plaques and on each plaque where mega preachers and prophets.

These preachers where selling junk foods in the stores and not cooked food.

All of a sudden God brought the lady to the attention on one particular prophet whom she had never seen before. His name on the top of the store was Passion Java.

As he was selling, Java jumped over the store and begun to run. When he was running, a demonic guy was chasing him

This guy had a gun and a huge knife. Java also had a gun. They where shooting and fighting.

Passion Java collapsed after being shot by the demonic figure.

Full account in the video…..