Delma Lupepe is a Bulawayo business business mogul who sank into oblivion when his riches were swept away by the economic tide that hit Zimbabe starting in 2000.
Delma Lupepe is widely known for creating employment since the dawn of independant Zimbabwe. Some of his investments included Maydeep investimemts – which owned Merlin Limited.
In 2013 he boasted for having two porsche models , boxster and a 911 which were the only ones in Zimbabwe that time.
Delma Lupepe had great successes in soccer . He is widely respected for changing Zimbabwe premier soccer league (PSL) into a semi professional league.
Lupepe had great links with ZANU PF and government . In 2003 he donated $100 million to Great Zimbabwe University . He is widely known for fundraising for the former president Robert Mugabe’ s birthday bashes .
Due to economic decline in Zimbabwe , Delma Lupepe’ s empire crumbled .
He was in serious debt around 2013. Most of his companies owed financial institutions . He lost properties such as flats and residential house due to civic court cases.
Finally it can be argued that the same system that propeled him up brought him down .